From One to Many: Our Journey into German Shepherd Love

German Shepherd - Sweets - Making herself at home -

Gather around, dear readers, for the epic tail (pun intended) of how adopting one German shepherd led to an avalanche of furry chaos, and how we ended up with the two most amazing German Shepherds. It’s a story of love, serendipity, and just a touch of insanity.

It was a lazy Sunday morning in April 2023, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. My wife was scrolling through Facebook when she gasped. “Look at this post! The local AWOL animal center has two German Shepherds that need a home!” she exclaimed. Now, if you’ve ever been married, you know that this wasn’t a suggestion—it was a command masked in excitement.

After a two-minute “discussion” (translation: “Let’s do this!”), I texted my boss to take Monday off. Why? Because we were going to be those people who show up early to snag the dog of our dreams.

The Early Bird adopts the German shepherd

Bright and early at 8:30 a.m., we arrived at the AWOL center, buzzing with anticipation. By 8:45, the parking lot was swarming with other hopeful adopters. The stakes were high, but we were first in line. Victory was in sight!

When the doors opened, we asked to meet the female German Shepherd. They handed us a leash and harness, and off we went to take her for a quick walk. Let me tell you, it took approximately three minutes for her to steal our hearts. She was sweet, excited, and oozed charm. Decision made.

While my wife bonded with her outside, I headed back in to sign the paperwork. The adoption fee? A whopping $25. (A bargain for unconditional love, if you ask me.) The whole ordeal took less than 30 minutes.

The Ride of Her Life

With the paperwork signed, I marched outside like a victorious gladiator. “Let’s go,” I said. Our new family member practically pranced to the parking lot, stopping only to try and climb into every single car we passed. Apparently, she was ready to go on an adventure with anyone who’d have her.

When we reached our truck, she hopped in without hesitation. It was as if she’d always been ours. On the way home, we debated names. After tossing around a few ideas, we settled on Sweets, inspired by the character from the TV show Bones. (No judgment, please. It fits her perfectly.)

Wait… Where Did Seven Dogs Come From?

Now, you might be wondering, “What’s this about seven dogs?” Stay tuned, because this story gets wilder than a dog park at rush hour.

For now, know this: Sweets is not just a dog. She’s a couch hog, a cuddle enthusiast, and a professional mood-lifter. And she was only the beginning of our journey into the wonderful world of German Shepherds.